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You must login or create an account to register for programs.


Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 Season!

You must create an account and log in to register for programs. Click the "login" link in the upper right corner of this web page to get started.

Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.

Club Information: Please ensure you have given a current email address on the registration form as all notices and newsletters will be sent via email and or Faceboook for the upcoming season. It is your responsibility to check these notices or the HSC website: for all skating information.

Additional charges will be added on checkout as follows:
  • All program fee prices will include Skate Canada Insurance / Registration / Safe Sport fees has increased to $58.70. This only has to be paid once per skating season

  • There is no fundraising commitment for the 2024-2025 season

Volunteer Requirement: All families registering for Learn to Skate programs will be required to select volunteer shifts as board parents, sign up sheets will be provided during Sunday sessions at the rink.

volunteering information 

Having difficulty finding a program? Use the side menu options to filter the displayed programs.

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