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The Hazelridge Skating Club and Hazelridge Sports Complex are volunteer run organizations. All families participating in programs are required to volunteer for both the Skating Club and the Hazelridge Sports Complex as follows: 

Hazelridge Sports Complex Volunteer Requirement:

Canteen shifts: The Hazelridge Sports Complex requires each family using the facility to fulfill two 4-hour canteen shifts. Each family is also required to provide two canteen bond cheques made out to "Hazelridge Sports Complex", in the amount of $100 each, on the first day of skating, as surety that they will cover their shifts. One $100 canteen bond cheque will be cashed by the Complex each time a worker does not show up to work for a family’s shift.

  • Canteen sign-up will be managed by the Hazelridge Sports Complex through an on-line sign-up process. The Sports Complex will be setting deadlines for canteen sign-up and for canteen bond cheque hand-in. Families not in compliance as of the deadline dates will not be allowed onto the ice until the deficiency is addressed.
  • Families may buy-out their canteen commitment for a cost of $75 per shift at time of canteen shift selection.
  • Families already working canteen shifts for hockey or ringette are required to work one additional canteen shift for participation in Learn to Skate or Figure Skating programs, and to provide an additional $100 canteen bond. No additional canteen shifts are required for hockey or ringette players participating in Power Skating only.
  • Adult skaters with no children enrolled in club programs are exempt from this canteen requirement.

Canteen sign-up is now available @ , & will be accessed through the Complex website at:

Hazelridge Skating Club Volunteer Requirements:​ 

Our skating programs are volunteer-run and rely on the assistance of all of the families participating in the programs for successful operation. Each Learn to Skate family is required to volunteer a minimum of 2 hours with either program or event related tasks. 

Families registered for CanPower only and no other Club programs are exempt from this volunteer requirement.

Opportunities include the following (job descriptions below):

  • Board Parents - Pre-CanSkate & CanSkate Board Parents
  • On-Ice Program Assistants (PA's) - Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate & CanPower
  • Club Executive
  • Board Parents - Pre-CanSkate & CanSkate: 
  • Parent volunteers are required to stand at the boards and assist the coaches as needed during lessons. Two parents will be scheduled to assist with each lesson. Some of the duties for these volunteers will include assisting children during the lesson to re-tie skates, handing out Kleenex, locating the parents of children who need to leave the ice, and handing out stickers.

Set-up & Clean-up - Pre-CanSkate & CanSkate

Volunteers are appreciated to assist with set-up prior to each Pre-CanSkate/CanSkate class and clean-up after each CanSkate class.

Set-up: Volunteers are needed to arrive at the rink approx. 15 min before the start of Pre-CanSkate, take tables out of storage and set-up, lay out skater name tags, place stickers and Kleenex at the boards, place name-tag collection bins in the dressing rooms & bring out CanSkate equipment bins, hoops noodles and signs.

Clean-up: Volunteers  are needed to stay after CanSkate, retrieve name tag bins from the dressing rooms, bundle name tags by skating day, return tables, name tags, bins & stickers to storage room.

On-Ice Program Assistants (PA's) - CanSkate & Pre-CanPower: Volunteers age 11 to adult are required to assist on ice with program delivery, under the direction of the coaches. Volunteers must be able to skate well enough to demonstrate the skills the skaters are working on, must be willing to commit for the full season and attend regularly, must attend training in September, and must be willing to work with all skaters on the ice, not just their own family members.

  • Club STAR skaters volunteering in this capacity earn a $58.70 credit to cover the cost of their Skate Canada registration.
  • Parents & older siblings of skaters volunteering as on-ice PA's fully satisfy their family's volunteer requirement.. The Club also covers the cost of Skate Canada registration.
  • Teens volunteering in this capacity may be able to use the time towards a high school volunteer credit, depending on the school attended.
  • To volunteer for on-ice parent or PA volunteer:  When registering, select "Add Program" to your shopping cart and register for the relevant On-Ice Program Assistant item under the "Club Volunteers category to facilitate registration with Skate Canada.

Club Executive: Volunteers are required to serve on the Club Executive.

Events: there will be NO ICE SHOW in 2024 as we just do not have a commitment of volunteers 

Each year the Hazelridge Skating Club hosts a variety of events, such as the annual Ice Show (late February early March)  which provides the skaters in our programs the opportunity to show off the skills they have learned during the year, ​Figure Skating Test Days; and Figure Skating and/or Synchronized Skating competitions. A significant volunteer effort is required for these events, and volunteers are needed to assist with planning, organization, set-up, clean-up, etc. 

  • Individuals volunteering for event related tasks will receive family fundraising credits. Most event related tasks have been assigned 4 volunteer credits.
  • To view and/or select tasks, "Add Volunteer Position" to your shopping cart and in the Summary filter enter "Ice Show" or "Test Day". Hazelridge is hosting a Competition this Season. 

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